Parish Council

Parish Council Charter LINK

Purpose of the Parish Council – The purpose of the Parish Council is threefold:

1.) To be an advisory body for the pastor on matters related to running the day-to-day operations and future
opportunities for the parish

2.) To align, share and communicate information that is relevant to the parishioners at the parish through
monthly meetings with updates from each of the parish ministries, Parish Trustees, Director of Family
Faith Formation, RCIA, Finance Council and School Board and other parish leaders

3.) To provide continuity for the parish during the transition of pastors

The Council, through its ongoing education and spiritual development, is called upon to enable all members of the
parish to share fully in the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. It is our intent that each member of St. John
Vianney know they are an important part of this parish community, and that their prayers, opinions, talents, and
gifts are very much needed and appreciated in order that we can function and grow as the true body of Christ.
Most importantly, every member of the parish is welcome to attend a Parish Council Meeting.

Links to Parish Council Agendas, Minutes, and Ministry Updates

2/16/2022 ---- Agenda ---- Ministry Updates ---- 

1/26/22 ---- Agenda ---- Ministry Updates ---- Minutes

12/14/22 ---- Agenda ---- Ministry Updates ---- Minutes

11/17/22 ---- Agenda ---- Ministry Updates ---- Minutes

10/11/22 ---- Agenda ---- Ministry Updates ---- Minutes

9/13/22 ---- Agenda ---- Ministry Updates

8/9/2022 Ministry Updates

8/9/2022 Agenda

7/14/2022 Minutes


7/14/2022 Agenda

6/14/2022 Minutes

6/14/2022 Agenda

5/10/2022 Minutes

5/10/2022 Agenda (date is wrong, but it's the right agenda)

4/10/2022 Minutes

4/10/2022 Agenda

3/8/2022 Minutes

3/8/2022 Agenda

2/8/2022 Minutes

2/8/2022 Agenda

1/11/2022 Minutes

12/14/2021 Minutes

11/9/2021 Minutes